Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Anything Out There?

We took these pictures of Abby and i thought they were so good! She was sitting on the dining room table (which she is not supposed to) because she thought she saw some birds in the bush outside. In one picture it is hard to even find her because she blends in so well!!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Good Friends!

This past week has been full of fun and company. We had our Sunday School class over Thursday night. I had a friend, MJ, come into town from Kentucky Saturday. Karen, Melanie, MJ and me all hung out Saturday. It was a great time together. For some reason as we get older we don't make the time like we should for good conversation and company. I was blessed by Saturday and look forward to the next time MJ comes into town.
OH, did i also mention that Karen also got Shane's 3rd wheel put on our Sea-Doo trailer for him?? See it is good to have friends!

Fall is HERE, or is it??

Fall is my favorite season. I love to see the leaves change, pumpkins, cool weather and the clothes, of course! This year fall seems to missing one key thing, COOL weather. We are still having temps in the upper 80's. I am trying not to let that stop me from keeping in the fall spirit. So, last weekend Shane and I went and purchased corn stalks, pumpkins and mums. My house now definitely looks like fall, now if we can just get the cold weather it will perrrrfffffffeeeecccctttt!