Saturday, December 29, 2007

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We made it back from Texas on Thursday after a 4 hour delay at DFW! UGH! Our plane was coming in from Denver, CO. Evidentally that part of the country was experiencing bad weather and therefore the plane was grounded for several hours. We ended up not getting home until 10PM Thursday evening. We were thankful for a safe flight despite all the delays. This Christmas was full of events both good and bad. As i think back on what all was going on at my house and at Shane's home I see the Lord's hand guiding us through. It is remarkable still to me after all these years as a Christian to think that Christ wants to be inovolved in every detail of our lives. I pray this new year brings everyone a year of peace, joy, hope and much love. I pray that God will stretch you and grow you in ways you never expected Him too. I am attatching a few pictures from our family Christmas. I hope you enjoy! Happy New Year!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve & the Gangs all Here

We have been in Texas now since 12/20 and today is Christmas eve. The house has gradually filled up as family members have made it home traveling in from all over. Shane and i decided to fly to Texas early this year so that we could have some down time before everyone arrived home. We are glad we were able to to that.

We had Christmas with my 90 year old Grandpa last night at the nursing home. All 12 of us gathered in his tiny room and sang Christmas carols. The great grandkids gave him a present and then one by one each of us were given a sweet card and gift from him (thanks to my parents help). My Mom helped speak for him (he had a mini stroke earlier in the fall) and talked about what my Grandpa had told her were his 3 biggest life regrets . I want to share them with you all and i hope they stir your heart and help you put life's priorities better in order. His first regret was my Dad's polio. The second regret was the death of he and my Grandma's baby when he was just week's old. His final regret was that he did not come to know Jesus until later and life and wishes he could have served Him earlier. As I think on this Christmas eve, what are we doing to serve Jesus? What can we say our biggest regret is? What are we putting our most time into thinking about? Merry Christmas!